Monday, February 10, 2014

Episode 2 - The Doll's House

As with the previous episode, there are mild spoilers for future volumes (really not much more than mild hints) and plenty of spoilers for this volume.

You can download "Creepy Doll" from Jonathan Coulton for free, but he also accepts donations via Paypal if you've got the money to spare.

Since I brought it up in the episode, here's the Snopes article talking about whether or not people die on Disney property.

1 comment:

  1. I do enjoy this volume much more than I did the first, but agree with all the criticisms you both have. This speaks to a problem I have with a lot of Gaiman's works. He's great at one-off shorts, such as the Hob Gandling interlude, but when it comes to long-form storytelling, like in his screenplays or novels or multi-issue arcs, I find he's not very good at structuring a story. He creates fantastic elements in the form of memorable characters and whimsical concepts, but there isn't so much a flow to his story as just a constant shift from scene to scene, with points of intersection feeling forced, and stuff often just ends because something happens. This arc is a good example of such things, as I love the characters and elements (especially the Cereal Convention), but things just sort of happen until it's their time to be done, and the story ends.

    As messy as it can be at times, what I like about the Dringenberg/Jones III art is that it has a quiet realism that really helps ground the material and make it relatable in a way Keith's couldn't. Even with an exaggerated portrayal like Funland, these feel like real people we could encounter at any point in real life. And I love how distinctive they made the style of each of the dreams during Rose's Vortex issue.
